Podcast: Download
Do you feel like you’re swimming upstream in life?
Does it seem like no matter how hard you swim, you’re struggling just to stay in the same place?
And if swimming harder isn’t working, then why is it so scary to let go?
Sarah Entrup is back to discuss how that feeling of swimming upstream is a sign of bigger things to come, and why she once told me I needed to die.
In this interview:
- Why we get stuck
- The Hero’s Journey/Joseph Campbell
- The danger of identifying with our work and women
- Our addiction to creating
- Why Tripp “needed to die”
- Recognizing and harnessing cycles in life
- How to recognize and navigate the Soulprint
- How Steven Pressfield and resistance fits into this
We also discuss our upcoming summer retreat in Costa Rica.
Click here to learn more about Sarah’s Soulprint online course.
About Sarah Entrup ![Sarah-bio](https://www.thenewmanpodcast.com/wp-content/uploads/2013/03/Sarah-bio.jpg)
I work with smart, motivated people ready for a life of more ease, fulfillment, and sweetness. Many of my clients are veteran spiritual seekers, ready for a new level of integration and mastery.
Some of them are working their a*ses off and can’t seem to get anywhere — I help them burn through the karmic patterns and bad habits holding them back. Some want a long-term companion through the bliss and muck, and I’m here, every step of the way. Others are going through a turbulent transition and need some cosmic cheerleading to pull through — I’m willing to zap divine love their way and support their shift, from the very core of my being.
Dreaming of a “perfect picture” life of 6-figures, crystal-picket fencing, and all-day tantric sex with your soulmate? Awesome! If you want to shoot for the moon, I’ll help you take aim and steady your hand. But more importantly, I’ll help you listen to what your deepest longings are, and make sure we’re navigating towards them. Often, this is about simplicity, peace, ease, and the most authentic expression of divine love.
When we stop chasing “success” that doesn’t quite fit our soul’s desires, and focus instead on nurturing our deepest truths, our exteriors settle, grow, and overflow. My role is helping you discover your own truest joy, and walking the path towards it with more confidence and clarity.
Click here to learn more about Sarah’s Soulprint online course.