Can You Learn to Trust Your Gut? — Mark Divine (Uncommon: Simple Principles for an Extraordinary Life)

Do you trust your gut when making decisions?

Is there a way to quiet the harsh critic that constantly judges you?

And how can we combine the benefits of western psychology with eastern mysticism?

Put on your scuba gear because today we’re going deep with author, entrepreneur, and former Navy SEAL commander Mark Divine. In this conversation we discuss the power of embracing our emotions, intuition, and spirituality.

If you’d like to explore these topics further, check out Mark Divine’s book Uncommon: Simple Principles for an Extraordinary Life.

In this interview:

  • What is intuition?
  • The three types of intuition
  • The path of striving vs the path of surrender
  • There’s more to life than achieving
  • Teaching scarcity vs abundance


  • Victimization and wallowing in our junk
  • Dealing with “not enough” or unworthiness
  • Can you forgive yourself?
  • Mindfulness and becoming The Witness
  • Eastern and Western approaches working together

Discussed in this interview:

  • Ken Wilber
  • Tara Brach Radical Acceptance
  • Brene Brown and vulnerability

About Mark Divine

Creator of sealfit and unbeatable mind

At twenty-six he graduated as Honor Man (#1-ranked trainee) of SEAL BUD/S class number 170. Mark served for nine years total on active duty and eleven as a Reserve SEAL, retiring as Commander in 2011.  His leadership of teams was so effective the government tasked him with creating a nationwide mentoring program for SEAL trainees.  Not only did it increase the quality of SEAL candidates, it reduced BUD/S attrition rate up to five percent.

What made Mark’s program so effective was his focus on more than just physical fitness.  He’d seen laughter conquer fatigue and bond teams at their BUD/S breaking point, intuition save his men during the hell of war and special ops missions.  He knew he could form a fitness company that prepared civilians for the physical AND mental/emotional demands of  Navy SEAL-like lifestyle.  So he started SEALFIT.

At the same time SEALFIT was beginning he co-founded Coronado Brewing Company, built, the leading website for SEAL gear and information, and launched US Tactical, a government contracting business.  He also served as adjunct professor of leadership at the University of San Diego before the Navy called him up for duty in the Iraq War.

Through Mark’s teaching, entrepreneurial endeavors and travel to foreign countries, he noticed the power of mental toughness, emotional resilience, intuitive leadership and a healthy spirit for anyone wanting breakthrough performance.  They weren’t solely for combat or restricted to the business world or one culture.  He’d watch them transform lives in people from every background, nation and belief system.  So he wrote and self-published his first book, Unbeatable Mind, in 2011 and launched its at-home study program.

Mark lives with his family in Encinitas, California, where he continues to train, explore, learn from others and generate more resources to improve the lives of everyone he meets.

Certifications & Degrees

  • B.S. Economics – Colgate University
  • M.B.A – New York University
  • Certified Public Accountant
  • Seido Karate – black belt
  • Goju Ryu Karate – black belt
  • Navy SEAL Honor graduate
  • S.C.A.R.S. hand-to-hand combat
  • Certified Ashtanga Yoga Teacher