When your woman freaks out, do you buckle or try to make it all go away?

Do you prefer a passionate woman or a stepford wife robot?

And does your woman really support you or does it seem like she’s just another obstacle getting in the way of the life you want to have?

Alyson Schwabe Lanier and Christiane Pelmas are back for part 2 of our talk on how to navigate a woman’s emotional mine field.

In this one, we learn a BIG lesson around how to deal with a woman’s “emotional storm”, how saying “yes, dear” is killing her respect for you and other tips for avoiding those big traps men often fall into.

Click here for information regarding The Red Pill Weekend.

In this episode:

  • Don’t be afraid of your woman’s storm
  • How to go through something hard and come out okay
  • Why am I in this relationship?
  • Life with a woman is about storm
  • Storming is about being passionate
  • Do you want a passionate woman or a stepford wife robot?
  • Storming is to test a man, to see if he’s trustable
  • The storm does not mean something is wrong
  • Do not buckle to the storm
  • If you buckle, she will take over your role in the relationship or look for some way to fill it
  • It’s not about winning a fight or dominating the scenario
  • She’s entitled to her response and it has virtually nothing to do with you
  • Don’t take on her feelingsAnd don’t defensively posture
  • Stay curious
  • We want to know that in our relationships, we can say anything
  • Most common belief: I’m the only one that has to deal with this
  • Don’t try to do it alone
  • Get help with big problem areas — find a therapist, coach or counselor
  • Trust that your relationship can stand the test and actually grow
  • Look at your partner as a team member, not as your opponent

Click here for information regarding The Red Pill Weekend.

About Alyson Schwabe Lanier, Psychotherapist – MA, CGT, LPC

g-alyson-schwabe-2284-SMAlyson Schwabe Lanier has been in the mental health and human services field since 1996. She received her BA and MA in psychology, and is a Licensed Professional Counselor with the state of Colorado. Alyson has 8 years of specialization training in Gestalt therapy, and is known nationally for her approach in teaching people to relate authentically and live with intention. Alyson’s theory and application are rooted in gestalt, developmental, energetic, and somatic psychologies, while her central philosophies are aligned with integral theory, human potential, and consciousness development. She offers real-world skills and actively helps you work out unfinished issues in the moment.  Alyson will help you make conscious, empowered choices so you are in charge of your life and how you live it.  Alyson is most often found training the trainer, and is the support behind those that influence the masses. She provides on-location private intensives, facilitates workshops in the art of authentic contact, and teaches her approach at Naropa University’s graduate school of psychology. To reach her, you can call her directly at 303.800.4391 or visit Alyson’s website.

About Christiane Pelmas, LCSW

g-christiane-pelmas-2286-SMChristiane Pelmas, LCSW specializes in the re-wilding of the human soul and the cultivation of authentic expression through sexuality and intimacy. She maintains a private practice in Boulder CO where she works with couples and individuals in a variety of settings, teaches classes and facilitates groups. She can most easily be reached via email at cpelmas@comcast.net or by phone at 303-449-8590.