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Why Did They Call Me Cat Squeeze? Productivity and Outgrowing Your Life — Tripp Lanier
Productivity and Outgrowing Your Life Tripp Lanier Have you ever wondered why some folks call me ‘cat squeeze’?...
Dealbreakers: Are You Roommates or Lovers? — Tripp and Alyson Lanier
What’s Killing Your Sex Life? Tripp Lanier and Alyson Lanier Are you and your main squeeze lovers or just roommates? Is being lovers a priority or...
My Wife Challenges Me to Go Big — Tripp and Alyson Lanier
What is Self Leadership? Tripp Lanier and Alyson Lanier Are you holding yourself back from the life and work you truly want? Do your fears of...
Do You Fear Your Ambition? (Part 4) – Brian Johnson
Do You Fear Your Ambition? - Brian Johnson: Building Heroic Part 4 Are your goals too ambitious or are you holding yourself back? What is the...
What Would You Die For? – Sebastian Junger (Freedom, Tribe, The Perfect Storm)
Sebastian Junger Interview | Freedom, Tribe, The Perfect Storm Are you lost or do you have a clear sense of purpose? Do you seek or avoid risk? And...
Why Avoiding Conflict is Creating Conflict – Jayson Gaddis (Getting to Zero, The Relationship School)
What if avoiding conflict was the thing killing your relationship and sex life? Are you being fake with your partner because you’re afraid to tell...
From Inner Critic to Inner Peace – Richard Schwartz (IFS, No Bad Parts)
Richard Schwartz No Bad Parts Does your inner critic keep you from enjoying your life? Does your fear of looking weak or lazy drive you into the...
You’re Being Hormonal – When Heated Talks Turn into Fights — Alyson and Tripp Lanier
Fighting with Your Wife - Why Heated Talks Turn into Fights When you tell her she’s being ‘hormonal’ why does it typically erupt in flames? Why do...
Adrian Grenier: Success, Failure, and Rebirth
Adrian Grenier Investing Are you ignoring a deeper calling because you need to be successful? Are you spread too thin — struggling to keep all of...