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Rickson Gracie – How to Win Without a Fight
Rickson Gracie Breathe Interview What does it mean to be a warrior in your life? Do your insecurities distract you or keep you stuck in stupid...
This Doc Wants to Wake Your Ass Up – ZDoggMD Zubin Damania
ZDoggMD Zubin Damania Interview If you say what you truly believe could you lose your career? Are you playing a role in hopes that one day you’ll...
Imposter Syndrome – Is it You Against the World? — Tripp Lanier Ever feel like it’s you against the world? Does imposter syndrome give you the sense that at any moment it’s all gonna...
How to Create Anti-Fragile Confidence (Part 3) – Brian Johnson
How to Develop Anti-Fragile Confidence - Brian Johnson: Building Heroic Part 3 Are you focused on what’s important or just trying to put out fires?...
How to Level Up Without Burning Out – Steven Kotler (The Art of Impossible)
Steven Kotler The Art of Impossible Are you trying to achieve the impossible or just get through the week? What are the necessary keys for turning...
What if Surrender is the Opposite of Defeat? – Kute Blackson (The Magic of Surrender)
Kute Blackson The Magic of Surrender Are you fixated on who you should be or who you truly are? Are you exhausted from trying to control so many...
How to Stop Bitching and Create What You Want – Shana James, MA
Power and Pleasure Shana James Do you blame your work or family for getting in the way of what has you feel alive? What if your perspective on the...
Psychedelics and Getting Out of Your Own Way — Will Van Derveer, MD
Will Van Derveer, MD Psychedelic-Assisted Therapy and Moving Beyond Mental Limitations If you were wearing blinders, how would you know? What if...
Is Believing in God Dangerous? — Jamie Wheal, Recapture the Rapture
Jamie Wheal Recapture the Rapture Is it dangerous to believe in god or something bigger than yourself? What do Mars colonization, cults, and the...