094 How To Be Charismatic – Jordan Harbinger

https://media.blubrry.com/thenewmanpodcast/www.thenewmanpodcast.com//audio/TNM094-JordanHarbinger.mp3Podcast: DownloadSubscribe: Spotify | RSSTweetHow to Be Charismatic Do you ever talk to strangers? Do you only notice people you think may be able to get you laid or...

091 How to Grow a Pair – Alex Linsley Pt 2

https://media.blubrry.com/thenewmanpodcast/www.thenewmanpodcast.com/audio/TNM091-AlexLinsley-TNML.mp3Podcast: DownloadSubscribe: Spotify | RSSTweetAre you able to say what it is you really want in life? Can you own what you want without needing to defend or justify it...

088 How to Make Good Habits Stick – Brooks & Summers

https://media.blubrry.com/thenewmanpodcast/www.thenewmanpodcast.com/audio/TNM088-BrooksSummers-TNML.mp3Podcast: DownloadSubscribe: Spotify | RSSTweetAre you one of those guys who tries to make a change but find yourself right back where you started a few weeks later?...